Sunday, January 26, 2014

This is for those who have wondered what a day in the life of Alison is like on a Saturday.

4:30 am: Dog starts crying
4:35 am: Alison wonders why she has a dog and ignores it
7:00 am: Dog cries
7:01 am: Alison takes dog outside, falls asleep on couch
9:00 am: Good time to get up
9:10 am: Decides she wants pancakes for breakfast
10:00 am: Still hasn't made pancakes, decides she should just skip breakfast and wait for lunch
10:05 am: Wanders aimlessly around the house
10:45 am: Still wandering
11:00 am: Regrets decision to skip breakfast, turns on TV
12:00 pm: LUNCH TIME!!!!! eats everything in sight
12:01 pm: Starts singing about food while searching the internet
12:20 pm: Ate too much, watches more TV.
!2:34 pm: Somehow winds up on the kitchen floor, stays there
1:00 pm: Art project idea, pulls out everything
1:30pm: Gets distracted, leaves everything on kitchen counter
2:00 pm: Realizes the time, decides that the day is up so she better not start anything
2:15 pm: Wants to go to the store
2:20 pm: Remembers people are at the store, pops popcorn instead
2:30 pm: Starts yelling about what ever comes to mind
2:45 pm: Makes weird animal noises
3:00 pm: Finds victims in the house to annoy
4:00 pm: Throws a mini dance party for the success of annoying others
4:15 pm: Watches more TV
5:30 pm: Questions what day it is and also what is for dinner
5:31 pm: Gets answers, return to TV
6:00 pm: Dinner time, asks what is happening
6:30 pm: Sneaks away from chores
6:45 pm: Parents looking for her but she is hiding
6:46 pm: Dog is a snitch and the gig is up
7:00 pm: After singing the chores are finally done.
7:15 pm: Watches movie with little brother while eating ice cream
9:00 pm: Heads to bed
9:01 pm: Too much thinking, not enough sleeping
11:00 pm: Finally asleep
11:10 pm: Dog starts crying, it's going to be a long night

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