Saturday, January 18, 2014

Let's talk about George Lucas. George Lucas was the proud father of the movie series "Star Wars". These movies were cut-edge and magnificent, but not any more. Though personally I am an avid fan of  the original "Star Wars" I am sickened by the fact that George Lucas has sold his soul to Disney. I love Disney and I love "Star Wars" but not together because that is like mixing meat and ice cream. I love meat, and I love ice cream, and actually if you want to be my best friend just buy me some ice cream and watch a movie with me, but the point is that they don't go. To top it off with sprinkles (because we were talking about ice cream) they are now making an episode VII *sigh*. Maybe I'm just jumping the gun and the movie will turn out great but, unfortunately, "Star Wars" has already started becoming a joke. Dang it, now I want ice cream.

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