Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Posse's Trip to Oregon (Part 1)

Last Thanksgiving was a Thanksgiving I will always remember and cherish. This isn't a sappy story, mind you, despite it actually starting off sad, but quickly turns into something more...

  The year is 2017, and I am attending Brigham Young University in Idaho. The holidays are quickly approaching and I have no where to go for Thanksgiving. I am already sad that I had to spend my birthday away from family and now it looked that I was going to be alone for Thanksgiving. That was until an angel sent from Heaven, my roommate Katrina, invited me and my roommate Lisa over to spend time with her family. I hesitantly agreed, not wanting to be a burden,  and packed my bags.

We left our apartment around 2:45 in the morning, the blessed a.m., because we were heading to Portland and it was going to be a long drive. Katrina was driving and we were in her car, the Buick. Lisa fell asleep in the back seat because she had worked that night into the morning, so it was my duty, no, my honor to stay awake with Katrina. We were jamming to music but I started nodding off like the dishonorable samurai that I am, when suddenly someone shouted:


Katrina looked at me confused and startled. It was me who had caused the ruckus, and apparently what I had meant to say was "ROAD TRIP 2k17!!!!" but in my tired state all I could get out was the year.

We continued driving until we hit Portland. Now let me tell you something about Portland, it is crazy, be it the roads, people, or places. We were supposed to go to a German deli for Katrina's grandmother, but the GPS told us to turn left when there was no where to turn.

"I'm going to make a U-y" Katrina announced, more scared than anything.

German deli
We get to this weird section where it might or might not be legal to make a U-turn. Cars were about to start coming, but Katrina was determined and took it, despite us all screaming "AHHHHHHHHHH." One point against Portland.

We survived and made it to the deli where we bought a couple of things (mainly chocolate), but I had to pee real bad, like really bad, like I hadn't peed pretty much the entire 12 hour drive. I had noticed a gas station right behind the deli, so we quickly made our way over, just to find out that there were no restrooms. Lisa, with her sharp eyes, quickly scouted a Subway which we scurried over to and I practically yelled "I have got to use the bathroom!" as soon as my foot hit the doorway. The Subway employee sensing my urgency came from around the counter and let me in in a moments notice, right before I was about to wet myself. The bathroom was very nice, clean, and had a toilet that supported me quite well. One point for you Portland.

Finally, after 13 hours of driving we made it to the hotel where we all were going to share a room. Now, I am not lying or even exaggerating when I say that Katrina's dad had the loudest snore I have ever heard. That man fell asleep within 5 minutes of trying, and no one, not even the neighbors, could escape his snore. I mean, Lisa had earbuds in and playing, headphones over her ears, and a pillow over her head and she still couldn't sleep. He was a quiet man during the day, but during the night it was like it became his alter-ego. It literally sounded like he was trying to fake snore while screaming. Little did I know that this was just the start of our adventure.

To be continued...

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