Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The MOST Embarrassing Thing

The most embarrassing thing happened to me the other day. Like, literally, the most embarrassing thing.


It all started on a beautiful Monday. Well, it wasn't that beautiful, but it was pretty nice compared to the rest of winter. My FHE group (family home evening) had planned a fun activity of Stranded. Stranded is a game where you have two groups  and two cars. You send two to three people from your group to the other car and they get blindfolded and are driven to a new location. After being dropped off, it is their responsibility to call their group and direct them to their location. Fun game, right? Well, we should have known that this was a bad idea to play because everyone from our FHE group who have played it has had a bad experience. One drove their car in the ditch, the others had their phone die in the middle of the game leaving them, wait for it, stranded.

Flash Forward 

It was the first round of the game and I was the copilot. The guy was driving like crazy and I was starting to feel sick. We lost despite both of our efforts (which was actually little to none on my part). I offered to go home, saying I had a early morning class (which I did), but was told to stay. Next round started and I was supposed to be stranded with two other team members.  I was sitting in the back seat of a truck and really was feeling sick now. Problem was, if I said anything or even opened my mouth I would throw up, but if I sat in silence I would most likely make it to our destination and then I could throw up on the side of the road.


I threw up all over myself and the truck. Did anybody notice? Nope, again. So, here I was, sitting in my own vomit, trying to get someone's attention without yelling "Hey, I threw up." The driver and his buddy commented on the smell and turned around to look at me, but didn't recognize that I threw up; they just thought I was cheating by having my eyes open.

By now I was panicky, so I nudged my roommate and whispered "I threw up." The guys whipped
their heads around and were all like "YOU THREW UP?!?!"

Long story short, they were very nice to me and drove me home, but now I can never face them again.

But, hey, if that doesn't bring us closer, what will?

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