Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day in the Life of Alison: Snow Day Edition

I recognize this is late but who cares? I don't. My little brother and I loved playing in the snow so here's a video of us. Please understand that the beginning is as boring as a listening to "The Prince" on mp3 but that it does get better, I guess. I don't know. I'm rambling now......

Before I go, remember my challenge to tell your friends and talk to me. If you do this for me, I might just do something for you.

Oh look I found a picture of me from when my mother told me to go to bed. Good times

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Which is better, being an outspoken fan of a celebrity or being a silent creeper? Let's weigh our options.

Outspoken Fan

-People know your stand point on the celebrity
-Celebrity might actually acknowledge you (via twitter, carrier pigeons, smoke signals, etc)
-It is alright when you squeal upon seeing your celebrity
-Your Favorite Celebrity movie night at your house with all your friends

-Your friends think you are slightly obsessed (when I say slightly I really mean a lot)
-The celebrity you like thinks you are a crazy fan
-Because you are just a "crazy fan" your celebrity wouldn't care if they met you, you're just another fan

Total weight: 1 lb, 29oz

Silent Creeper

-You can be as obsessed as you like, no one will know
-You can stalk your celebrity without anyone knowing
-Your friends won't know anything, therefore they cannot judge you
-No one will ever know, hehe hehe HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!

-Your celebrity will never know you
-No fan-obsessing moments with your friends
-If your celebrity ever caught wind of your actions, there would be a restraining order

Total weight: 2 cows

Results are in, and the winner issssss........ Oh wait, it's a tie!! Yes folks, apparently pure obsession is unhealthy. This is in other news, I have been diagnosed, so excuse me while I go get help.

NO, ALISON, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF. These men are over twice your age, beat the obsession... BUT THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Let me tell you the Forsberg family story known as "The Bird Story" or better known as "The Time Stephen Left the Front Door Open"

Once upon there lived a family who were known as the Forsbergs. One day, Mama Forsberg decided to leave for Florida (the only notice she left was a sticky note on the microwave that said "Went to Florida. Do your chores. Love Mom). While Mama Forsberg was there weren't any parents around the house because Daddy Forsberg was at work or church most of the time, making it so the children were unsupervised. Everything was hunky-dory, the two older girls, Julia and Alison (hey that's me) would go to high school and then later baby boy Stephen would leave later for middle school. Unfortunately for the family, baby boy Stephen had a hard time remembering to do things before he left, things like taking the dog out to the bathroom, turning off the lights, and closing the front door. The day went on and the UPS man came to the front door, and seeing it was open but no one was home, kindly put the package inside the house and closed the door. Later, Julia and Alison came home, and because the front door was not open anymore, thought everything was shipshape until Alison went to go water the ferns. DUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! As Alison walked towards the door she heard fluttering. What could it be? As she looked up she let out a bloodcurdling scream for she was staring into the eyes of a bird! A bird in the house? Heavens to Betsy. The scream terrified the bird so it began ramming into every window causing Julia and Alison to scream even more. The girls did the best thing they could think of and ran to the backyard while calling Daddy Forsberg. He informed the girls he was busy and that they should just lay low (well he said to calm down but it means the same thing).  Instead of laying low, the girls went to the garage to get the fishing net and then they pulled out their camera so they could record the time they caught a bird. As they timidly walked inside the house the atmosphere felt tense, but they had a mission. No noise was to be heard so this set of sisters made their way around the house until, VVVVRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! THE BIRD WAS AIRBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! The girls scattered, screaming and slightly crying from hysteria. Alison locked herself into a room, praying that her sister hadn't fallen victim to the fowl of the air. One, five, ten minutes had past before Alison willing walked out of the room. As she carefully descended down the stairs, she saw the craziest thing. Her sister was pointing at the door and told the bird to leave, which it did. The end.

*No one was hurt in this video (except for some pride)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Upon waking up at a bright and blissful 4:30 a.m., I decided to start the day right by taking a fresh-out-of-bed picture.
I was sure today was going to be a great day with singing birds and skipping children, until I remembered it was Monday. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! My whole day was ruined just by adding the letters "M" "O" and "N" to the front. Not only did I have to start another week of school but I had to also go to a FULL week of school, something which has not happened for a while. But being a half-full kind of person, I decided to put my big girl pants on and take the day on like a man. I fought the haze of sleepiness and somehow made it downstairs and to the car. I was past the point of no return. Turns out there were skipping children but they weren't skipping to class, if you catch my drift, and the singing birds were actually my pathetic attempts to sing. If that wasn't enough, I had to spend my first class of the day with some pretty crazy chicks named Megan, Stuart, Bryanna and Claudia. It was with these interesting women that I found a solution to the Monday blues. 2 HOUR DELAY! If we had a 2 hour delay at the start of every week, our day would seem to fly weightlessly as if it were being carried in the arms of an angel. Yes, this is the one and only solution. So I say to you, my fellow people, will we stand by and let the terrible monster Monday destroy our lives? Nay I cry, take up your pillows and blankets and shout with me "TWO HOUR DELAY! TWO HOUR DELAY!"
Oh, and shout out to you two guys in Germany who keep reading my blog. Guten tag!