Friday, April 18, 2014

You see this man? Yes, this man right here.

Remember him? No, well that is probably because you remember him as this guy.
Yup, it's William Christopher, or Father Francis Mulcahy from M*A*S*H. I have to say that Father Mulcahy is one of my favorite characters from the show, but that isn't why I am bringing him up today. People often talk about how there aren't any good actors, how they are all egotistical or rather disgusting. This makes me mad. There are many actors who have the sweetest hearts, but we look over them because they aren't doing crazy schemes to catch our attention, just like William Christopher. William Christopher has two son, one being autistic. During his 15 minutes of fame he spoke about his son's disabilities making him the first celebrity ever to do so ( Not only has he created awareness of autism, but he, with his wife, also wrote a book called "Mixed Blessings" which points out the pain and joy of having a special needs child. He has continued acting but mainly has devoted his time to the National Autistic Society. 
I am finally releasing my new page, drumroll please. *Stupid noise emitting from mouth* And the new page is... A Good Celebrity!
I think actors who do good should not be overlooked because they don't twerk or get caught cheating. Also, now by having this list, hopefully you all will become more aware of the great films that are out there that are great for everyone to watch. Let's flood the world with positive influences.
If you have any suggestions of actors/actresses I should add, feel free to contact me.

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