Saturday, April 5, 2014

I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so very sorry that I haven't been posting as frequently as I traditionally have. I could come up with the masterful excuse like "I have a life now, job included," but alas, that would be a lie, just if if you tried to tell me that you read all those "so's." The real reason I haven't been posting is because I've been asleep. Yup, everyday for the last week and a half I have come home, plopped on the couch, and have dreamt away the afternoon till it's time for dinner/bed. But so now that I have cleared my good name, and have restored honor to the Forsberg family, I am now going to inform you on only one of the biggest things that is in my current life:


Yes, I did just make the word college small just because that is what it makes me feel like. College is like a money-sucking leech that most everyone goes through. Don't get me wrong, I love the college I'm going to go to, it's like a tiny community of weird mormons who will like me GO KNIGHTS, but I am terrified out of my mind. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm broker than my skull in 6th grade. This has been so much of a stresser, that I taken up to screaming in the car when I am driving to relieve some of the pressure, and if that doesn't help my kitchen floor and I have a close-and-personal talk (I just lay on the floor until I feel better)

Listen to me now, while I have your attention. SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!! Even if it is just a penny a day, when that one day comes that you need it you will at least have like 36 cents. Spread the news, make this global. MONEY CONTROLS OUR LIVES AND IT ISN'T EVEN REAL! Think about it, a dollar bill is just a federal note, basically an IOU, and the money we circulate around online are just some numbers on the screen, yet we let it control us. We don't even use gold to back up our money anymore. WHY? I don't know, all I know is I need a job to fulfill an imaginary bill with my fake money. Wow I kinda really deviated off my original topic of college. Oh well, I feel better now. Guess I can cross smashing a car with an overpriced tripod off my list of things to do today.

Before I go and pretend to be a calm and collected young adult, I just want to warn everybody that I have a big project coming out soon, a project so big that people will hear about it and flock to me while chanting things like: "I love you Alison!", "You're my hero!", "Ross McCall wants to meet you!", "I wish your father and I treated you like our favorite child like you deserved because you always were, oh and dinner is at 6!"

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