Thursday, February 6, 2014

Let me tell you the Forsberg family story known as "The Bird Story" or better known as "The Time Stephen Left the Front Door Open"

Once upon there lived a family who were known as the Forsbergs. One day, Mama Forsberg decided to leave for Florida (the only notice she left was a sticky note on the microwave that said "Went to Florida. Do your chores. Love Mom). While Mama Forsberg was there weren't any parents around the house because Daddy Forsberg was at work or church most of the time, making it so the children were unsupervised. Everything was hunky-dory, the two older girls, Julia and Alison (hey that's me) would go to high school and then later baby boy Stephen would leave later for middle school. Unfortunately for the family, baby boy Stephen had a hard time remembering to do things before he left, things like taking the dog out to the bathroom, turning off the lights, and closing the front door. The day went on and the UPS man came to the front door, and seeing it was open but no one was home, kindly put the package inside the house and closed the door. Later, Julia and Alison came home, and because the front door was not open anymore, thought everything was shipshape until Alison went to go water the ferns. DUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! As Alison walked towards the door she heard fluttering. What could it be? As she looked up she let out a bloodcurdling scream for she was staring into the eyes of a bird! A bird in the house? Heavens to Betsy. The scream terrified the bird so it began ramming into every window causing Julia and Alison to scream even more. The girls did the best thing they could think of and ran to the backyard while calling Daddy Forsberg. He informed the girls he was busy and that they should just lay low (well he said to calm down but it means the same thing).  Instead of laying low, the girls went to the garage to get the fishing net and then they pulled out their camera so they could record the time they caught a bird. As they timidly walked inside the house the atmosphere felt tense, but they had a mission. No noise was to be heard so this set of sisters made their way around the house until, VVVVRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! THE BIRD WAS AIRBORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! The girls scattered, screaming and slightly crying from hysteria. Alison locked herself into a room, praying that her sister hadn't fallen victim to the fowl of the air. One, five, ten minutes had past before Alison willing walked out of the room. As she carefully descended down the stairs, she saw the craziest thing. Her sister was pointing at the door and told the bird to leave, which it did. The end.

*No one was hurt in this video (except for some pride)

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