Saturday, January 27, 2018

The first time I got sick while in Idaho was actually a pleasant experience, in that I didn't die. I currently am taking a shot that has a tendency to make me sick to my stomach, and on that fateful day I had also taken that shot, well, actually I had taken it the night before. I went about my morning as I normally would, by eating my cold cereal and going to class, and honestly nothing felt off, but then I got home from class. I baked a pizza for myself and sat down to eat two slices but ended up eating four. I mean, come on, I hadn't eaten since 6:45 in the morning and it was around 4:00 in the afternoon, so of course I'm going to eat a lot. I probably would have been fine, but then I went for a drive with my friends to go get hair dye. I, again, probably would have been fine, but my roommate was driving and she is a crazy driver. Love her, but crazy. We get to the store and I'm doing fine, then we head back home and I'm not doing fine.
"Go faster," I should have said, or even "pull over!" but I didn't, instead I suffered quietly in the back seat.
We finally arrived to the apartment complex, and I am proud of myself for not upchucking in the car, but I still had one more challenge to face: Walking to the bathroom. I start moving, slowly so I don't upset my stomach any more than it is already and I make my way to where the gravel meets the sidewalk.
I threw up.
My other poor roommate, who had come along for the ride, heard me make a noise and was walking back to see what was happening.
"Em, I threw up."
I threw up again.
Had this just have been a intimate moment between me and my roommate, Em, it might have been a moment we could have kept secret through all eternity but no, there was a car parked right behind me with two girls sitting, watching.
 So, instead of dreading that day, I have decided to embrace it. I literally have left my mark of this apartment complex.

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Trip to the Ice Caves

Now that I am living in beautiful Rexburg, Idaho,  I have gone on many adventures, one being the ice caves. Here's what happened...

It all started with me sitting on my couch in my apartment.


Okay, backstory now. There is this guy that I totally have had a crush on since senior year of high school. That is all sweet and stuff but problem was that I never was going to see him again because he went on a two year church mission and also went to a completely different college (BYU-I). Well, I transferred over to BYU-I and on my first day touring the campus my dad and I were walking when my dad exclaimed "Gastonia, North Carolina!" Well surprise, surprise, there he was, the man of my dreams.

 "<insert guy's name here>!" I yelled out.

"Yay...." he said, obviously not recognizing me (probably because I cut my hair so short).

We talked and then he remembered me. Not too exciting on the outside, way exciting on the inside.


So I'm sitting on my couch in my apartment when suddenly (cue the choir of angels) he messages me out of nowhere.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!! HE IS TALKING TO ME!!!!" (cue the pig squeal).

We talk causally, because obviously I am so chill, and he invites me to go to the ice caves with him. Not knowing what that was, and not knowing what I was getting myself into, but only knowing that I was going to do it with him, I agreed to go.


We plan out the trip, and get the cars all ready, but I'm beginning to doubt myself. First of all, we needed AWD cars, and second, we would have to lie on our backs and use our feet on the ceiling of the cave to shuffle our way to the slide that was on the end. Maybe if I wasn't so claustrophobic it wouldn't be a problem, but nope, I got my momma's genes.

Despite all my fears I rationalized that I was a big girl and he was going to be there so I might as well go. I invited some of my friends and we hopped in my car to drive out. We jammed out to Disney music and partied the whole way there, but oh, did I mention that you have to drive an hour off road? Me, being the prideful person I am, decided with no one else's consent that I would drive my little Subaru across this trail. We started out just fine, bouncing a lot, but fine, until we almost got stuck.

"Maybe we should pull over," my roommate's boyfriend suggested.

I did, and we waited for the next round of cars to head on over. The ride was fun, not going to lie, but then we arrived to the ice caves.

To speed things up, I almost cried, wet myself, and had a panic attack all at once. It was so scary just to get to the freaking hole in the ground.

"LISA! I'm going to have a panic attack" I whispered to my roommate.

"WHAT!" she yelled back.

Now, I'm really embarrassed. I explained my situation to Lisa and she offered to stay behind with me, but I turned her down because there were a whole group of people like me who were too freaked out to go in.

Long story short, I waited outside the caves and when that hunk of a man came out, he expressed his concern for me not going in, which was totally sweet.

That's it, nothing too exciting.

Hole in the ground

Me, duh, when it was windy

Hole into the cave

Opening to get to the opening of the ice caves